Monday 2 October 2017

Nasi Bujang

Nasi Bujang? most malaysian know what is nasi bujang,to translate it in proper english,”Single Rice” with “nasi” mean rice and single means such “nasi koboi” a.k.a the cowboys rice are also in the same account with nasi bujang.(NOTE: bujang stand for a person that doesnt involve in marriage yet).its only 80 cent dollar (Rm 2.50)
why such name? because all the dude and dudette which isn’t married yet eat this meal.Mostly students eat this in Malaysia of course.Its like full family dinner to us.How come the cowboy name was up?Because you eat this just to survive,like cowboys.Students,they dont have the money,we do but we don’t.You think you have some ringgit in the bank,but you and me know that is just a lie.The ATM fucking lied to us.Because in a minute,the money gone for….top up,marlboro,gas,games,chacos,coke,red bull and other the stuff you dont even know why you bought it in the first place, if you in my place. oh yes, i’m a student.So , what is left for us to eat for the rest of the month.Nasi Bujang lah.
Why am I choosing this title?You are what you eat..Nasi Bujang is like my daily meal.Its simple as I am.Just rice,fried egg and sambal belacan with sup kosong.I am a student, I don’t have much money,I dont have much time either to spend on a heartly hot meal, I always on the go ,I am simple, and i like simple things, people.



1. 1 cup of rice
2. fried egg
3. sambal belacan
4. 2 slice of cucumber
5. 1 bowl of simple soup


1. Put 1 cup of rice on a plate
2. Fried the egg and serve it with the rice
3. Prepare the sambal belacan (the most important ingredient)
4. Cut 2 slices of cucumber
5. Serve the sambal belacan together with the rice and fried egg.
6. Put 2 slice of cucumber

This is the most favourite food of all students in Malaysia

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